Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Feet of wanderlust

Looking through my photos, I immediately realized that I have a lot of photos of my feet! Hahaha! I think I must really love my feet to take a photo of it every time. :)

My feet has also endured a lot of pains.. Of course from wearing shoes or not wearing them. New shoes are particularly harsh on my feet.

I feel naked when I don't have polish on my nails, but for vanity purposes as well, I know I need to take care of it by not putting on polish every time.

I really have a small feet and a flat one too.

From exercising, running, traveling, pampering or just an OOTD shot...

My feet with the rest of me is an explorer since birth. I have a mole on my sole, which in the Filipino culture translates to - lakwatsera. :p

To more places to go to and shoes to wear!

A life lesson being learned...

My camera of 3 years now, my LX3, which I fondly call Lexi has just experienced a freak wave in Capones. Yes, he was drenched in salt water and sand for 2 seconds I guess. I took out the battery and memory card as soon as I can, turned it off since it was on when it got wet. Dried it with a towel, air dried it and kept it away for the whole day last weekend.

I was surprised at myself that when at that moment when it got washed up, I was so calm about the whole situation. Not sure what it was, but I was certain that I should not fuss about it and just enjoy the rest of the day at the beach.

And then, before sunset and as we are heading back to the main island in Pundaquit, while watching the last of the sunlight breaking out from the clouds and the cool sea breeze touching my face, I came to a realization that I should not be holding on to a lot of things. Material things, people, grudge, expectations or whatever it is. Everything passes on and nothing stays forever. Now I finally understand, that in the course of the day that I didn't fuss about the jinx that happened, I got to enjoy all the good things and was happier despite the negatives.

I felt happier and light even up to now that I am uncertain if my camera will conk out on me very soon. That camera has been to a lot of good trips and events with me, and I guess, that's the important thing - To just remember all the good things and accept the bad and move on with your life.

We all know, everything happens for a reason. Everything little thing that happens is a gift. We just have to discover what it is.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Made A Work Mistake? How to Bounce Back

One of the daily emails from one of our Recruitment Leads, Jeff Ellis. A daily dose of Talent Acquisition Tip. Read on...

We all make mistakes. It’s part of being human. But when we mess up at work, we have much more at stake.

If we make mistakes in our personal lives, we can cope by working through it with the people closest to us. But if we make a mistake at work, we often jeopardize our professional reputation. And your professional reputation is essentially the foundation upon which your personal brand rests.

So what do you do if you messed up big-time at work? Here are a few tips for bouncing back quickly:

Step back and breathe. This first step is essential. It can be easy to get worked up over our own failings, but we can’t internalize self-hate when we make mistakes. Before taking action, assess the situation and take a moment to clear your head. Even if the problem is big, being overly stressed or anxious impedes your ability to think clearly and bounce back quickly.

Own up to it. Hiding your professional mistakes may seem like a good idea, but it can lead to more problems in the future. If you’ve messed up at work, address the situation immediately. Don’t mask it or sugarcoat it, either. Let your boss, manager, or co-worker know what happened as soon as possible to work on a solution.

Avoid misplaced blame. Put aside any urges to place blame on others where it isn’t due. This will only worsen your situation, and can lead others to distrust you in the future. Repeat step number one to clear your head before jumping to place blame on someone else.

Be timely. Don’t let your mistakes simmer or they’ll only get worse with time. Own up to your mistakes sooner rather than later if you want continued trust from your higher-ups and fellow employees.

Apologize. Try saying something like, “I’m sorry this happened. I accept responsibility for it, but I may need help to create a fix. Can we talk about this over a meeting?” You don’t have to be overly apologetic, but a quick recognition of your failing can help to propel you forward and show you value your work, even when you mess up.

Offer a fix. Healing work mistakes means being proactive about coming up with a solution. Offer a few solutions to your boss, manager, or co-worker, but be open to their feedback, too. If you’ve gotten yourself into a mess, you may need help to get out of it.

Work mistakes aren’t the end of the world. Still, healing mistakes does require action on your part. Taking small steps toward healing by showing openness and commitment to your job can help you to recover sooner rather than later.