Sunday, September 22, 2013

Accidental Nasi Goreng

Late night dinner cravings and leftovers from the dinner table and fridge are actually two interesting things for me. It's actually a party waiting to happen. I have started eating brown rice, I think two months ago or so for health and fitness reasons. And to be completely honest, its not as appetizing as the white rice that we all love. So I learned to switch it up or I felt I needed to switch it up for my sanity's sake.
Other than spicy food, I also love fried rice.  If you mix those two together, you get spicy fried rice? Close. I got Nasi Goreng. It became an instant hit for me when we went to Jakarta last year. I wouldn't have imagined that I will be cooking this here. Well, it was an accident, and I didn't know that this is going to be the outcome of all these leftover food being cooked together, until I had my first bite. It was like a light bulb went up in my head. I swear I could've shouted Eureka! Hahaha
Enough of the mumblings.. This is how the accidental nasi goreng happened....
Coming home from the gym made me all hungry and seeing that we all have a lot of leftover food on the table and fridge, I decided to whip something up.
Nasi Goreng
leftover chicken breast 
leftover tilapia
leftover spicy bagoong (shrimp paste)
leftover chili garlic oil
leftover brown rice.
bit of oil
chili powder
garlic, chopped
onion, chopped
1 egg
Just cook everything as you would fried rice. I want my Nasi Goreng a bit on the "toasted" side, so I made sure, it stuck a little to the pan.
They had bangus steaks that night, that's my viand, and I chopped up half a cucumber, tossed it in vinegar, sugar, salt and pinch of chili pepper for a side dish.
I have learn to love the unexpected, and delight on the joys and pains that come with it.

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